Gamification is the process of introducing game-like elements into a traditionally non-gaming contexts to make them more fun and engaging. Gamification strategies include elements such as gamifying grading, incentivizing students with rewards and adding competitive elements such as leaderboards.
Thanks to improvements in technology and an abundance of online tools to support aspects of gamification, using game-like elements in your classroom has never been easier!
Kahoot incorporates many of the game mechanics that embody gamification methodology, mechanics such as ‘ghost mode’ which challenges students to beat their own score and the use of leaderboards keep students engaged.
With Kahoot, teachers can create self marking quizzes for their students to play on their own or against the rest of the class. Teachers can access the result of each quiz and download the result as an Excel or .csv file.

Code Academy
Code Academy is a free online tool which teaches students to code. Code Academy gamifies learning by awarding badges and points for completing lessons and courses.
Class Dojo
One tool that epitomises gamification theory is ClassDojo. ClassDojo allows you to reward students with badges for things such as good behaviour, working well as a team or just for being on task.
ClassDojo also allows you to provide instant feedback to your students (‘Well done Josh! +1 for teamwork!’) and is fully customisable for your classroom. Students can track their behaviour from home and Parents / Carers can also view their child’s progress via the ClassDojo app via a special invitation code.